Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Welcome back!

Hai!! udah lama banget memang ga posting lagi, sempat terlalu jatuh cinta pada Tumblr tapi pada akhirnya sampai juga pada titik jenuh nya. ada 1 kabar bagus kali ini, dijamin ini kabar paling bagus sejagat raya! gue udah bener-bener lepas dari doi men! sekarang udah gak ada lagi yang namanya galau bimbang sedih gundah gulana setiap kali liat doi mention-an mesra sama cewe lain, setiap kali liat doi online facebook tapi tak bertegur sapa, setiap kali inget masa-masa 7bulan penuh sukaduka bersejarah. bahkan sekarang gue ga merasakan getaran-getaran apapun tiap kali ngobrol sama doi (walaupun secara gak langsung) hm..mungkin kalo ngobrol langsung baru berasa kali ya gemeter gimana gitu tapi gue jamin gemeter nya gue itu bukan gemeter-gemeter yang berarti (?) maksutnya ya cuma gemeter karna grogi aja udah lama ga ngobrol dan bukan gemeter karna........cinta. wow! bahkan gue udah lupa rasanya dicintai dan mencintai itu seperti apa, saking membatu nya hati ini setelah kejadian kemaren itu #hiperbola.

oke sekarang waktunya fokus sama masa depan. menikah dengan pria yang dicintai juga termasuk masa depan, tapi kayanya sekarang ini bukan waktu yang pas buat mancing cowo, tapi kalo pasang umpan dulu boleh lah yaaa. mungkin nanti gue dapet gacoan kakak-kakak mahasiswa yang kece2 (amin). oiya selamat berpuasa!! tinggal seminggu lagi kita menang~ jadi inget bulan puasa tahun lalu gue baru kenal sama doi dan lagi masa-masa awal penjajakan gitu *plak* kenapa diinget lagi-___-" yasudahlah intinya, saya sudah 'sembuh' :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Anything (•̯͡.•̯͡)

suka iseng kalo udah megang kamera, bawaannya pengen semuanya di foto-in. karena kebetulan lagi di kamar, jadi gue asal jepret apa aja yang kira-kira bisa di jepret (?) bawel ah udah langsung aja...Ta Da!!

rada rancu ya kasur gue penuh sama buku isi rumus+angka-angka-_- lagi belajar buat UKK ni gewe B-)  

 saking kurang kerjaan selesai belajar MTK, gerah juga lama-lama liat meja belajar kaya TPA. bukan, bukan Taman Pendidikan Al-Qur'an, tapi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir. yaa karna cuma beresin buku-buku dan map boleh lah daripada kena semprot emak. inilah before-after nya, hm mungkin lebih tepatnya after-before -_-'

ini dia satu dari beberapa novel gue yang paling sering gue baca berulang-ulang. seru, asli deh. 

nah ini nih kartu tanda peserta ujian. cantik ya nomer peserta nya, emang cucok deh cyin sm peserta nya juga~(‾▿‾~) (~‾▿‾)~

dan yang ini.......gambar bikinan temennya temen gue waktu gue nyiapin kado ulangtahun buat si doi. ga nyangka gue masih punya banyak bgt barang-barang kenangan kaya gini. stupid me, he doesn't even keep one of mine I bet(⌣́_⌣̀)

that's it!! penting gak sih? nggak-_- yaa itung-itung ngisi waktu luang aja inimah wokwok. see you next post, bloggie :3

Sunday, June 5, 2011


UKK = Ujian Kenaikan Kelas = Uh, Ketar Ketir (?) oke stop, sorrry-_- intinya gua deg deg-an nihhhh!!!! gatau deh nih gimana nasib MTK gue nanti (ˇ̩̩̩.ˇ̩̩ƪ) doain yaaa ceman ceman huhu syereemmm

Friday, June 3, 2011

Healing Process

Hai. I'm Vidiana Aulia and I'm on my way to become an 'odinary people' after got a very crazily giant heartbreak attack!! No I don't want to talk about the heartbreak because it is really not interesting. Then you better help me on my healing process right now. Yes I already knew we're just no meant to be, so I stop blaming anybody, eventhough I know by whom this broke up is caused.

The Rose, he gave it to me on my 16th birthday last year, was already lost. I don't know where it is now. But I thank God bcs it really helps me on this healing process, so I have no reason to keep remembering that 'sweet-hurt' momment.

The Sweet Green Batik Dress, he also gave it to me on my 16th birthday last year. I keep it in my closet, when I open the closet I can see it hanging neatly. And I remember he said that his mother who choose the dress. I do really love his mother, she's so nice to me, she treated me like her own daughter, how sweet <3

The point is, now I'm OVER you. no more waste my time sheding tears by looking at your photos and remembering how sweet our relationship was, no more stalking on you whenever and wherever it is, no more paying attention to any girl you flirt to.

We're just not meant to be...

Sunday, April 24, 2011

new hair. new look. new problem........

baru kali ini gue nyesel bgtbgt-an selesai potong rambut. super duper EXTREME!!! ada kali 10cm rambut gue yang kepotong (ʃ˘,˘ƪsemua gara2 MAMAKE!! dia yang mencuci otak si mba pemotong rambut sehingga memotong rambut gue terlalu banyak sehingga gue tak kuasa lagi menahan isak tangis sampai akhirnya ingus pun mengalir perlahan tapi pasti dari hidung gue. Ma, why you be so cruel yesterday (ʃ˘,˘ƪselesai di keringin rambut nya gue langsung bangkit dari tempat duduk dan mengacak2 rambut dan segera berjalan cepat menuju pintu hm sepertinya seisi salon memperhatikan dengan mata sedikit melotot dan alis sedikit menggerenyit ya ya I don't care gue udh terlanjur sakit hati sama rambut gue yang baru.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Me want theseee!!

this is sooo kewllll!!!

Mommy I want the left one so damnnnn!!!  (-̩̩̩-͡ ̗--̩̩̩͡ )

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A Letter for You

My crib, April 3rd 2011

Hi, I know you don't even want to talk to me for a while. So I write this letter, at least you know what I try to tell you about.

Do you ever think why do I get jealous on you easily? It is because I don't want to lose you.
Do you ever think why do I get angry when you didn't text me just to tell me about your newest activity? It is because I care about you. 
Do you ever think why on earth I do this? It is because I love you. 
Do you ever think why do I love you? I dont need any reason to love you.

If I look back on previous days, I could see you've done everything for me. You bought me flower for My Day. You treated me so special. You made other people envy us for being so romantic. You showed me how you love me. But, why these sweet thingy have to be replaced? You've changed. Yes you do. 

Sometimes I wonder how can you became like this. Sometimes I wonder, is this because of me? Because of my bad habit? Then tell me if it is. So I could change it all and be someone you want me to.

As we know, we have our own minus and plus. Then why don't we try to fix this all together? I'd never stop fight for this. I know and I do really know we could handle it. Lets start the new beginning. I'd like to spend my time with you, walk together beside you, just like what we always do. Can't you see my love for you isn't fake?

I write this letter for you. Hope you read this. I admit my fault. I apologize.

Sincerely, Someone Who Love You

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Heyya Bloggies :3

mewmewgukguksshhhmoo~ it's been sooooo long i haven't posted anything here. hm my life sucks this last 2 months. actually, there are so many things i wanna share with you, but i know i cant write 'any-thing' here bcs everybody could read this and i dont want people know my privacy. okay first, i wanna tell you that..................................I LOVE MY BOY!! haha i dont know how come i tell you this but i just want him to know that i always love him all ways :') besides, im planning something for his day and i hope my full effort on this project get a great final in the end :D anyway dont tell him anything abt the project, kay? ;)